Scoring in Scordle is based on the following rules:
- Correct letter in correct position: (7 - current guess number) * 20 points (only for the first time each letter is correctly guessed)
- Correct letter in wrong position: (7 - current guess number) * 5 points (only for the first time each letter is correctly identified)
- Win bonus: (6 - number of guesses) * 100 points
- Time bonus: Up to 300 points for solving quickly
The earlier you guess correctly and the faster you solve, the more points you earn!
Win bonus examples:
- Guess correct on 1st try: 500 points
- Guess correct on 2nd try: 400 points
- Guess correct on 3rd try: 300 points
- Guess correct on 4th try: 200 points
- Guess correct on 5th try: 100 points
- Guess correct on 6th try: 0 points (but you still win!)
The time bonus is calculated as: max(300 - seconds_elapsed, 0)
So, solving within 1 minute gives you the full 300 point bonus, and the bonus decreases linearly until it reaches 0 at 5 minutes.